Experiences to live, offers and packages created for your pleasure.
Hotel Montebello offers you many convenient packages to better enjoy our structure and the surrounding area. Promo, tastings, relaxation packages and much more to always give the maximum pleasure to our guests. Follow the initiatives.
If you want to know about our offers for Christmas and Epiphany, contact us at sales@hotelmontebello.it
Hotel Montebello
Via Montebello, 54
51016 Montecatini Terme (Pistoia)
Developed by Tands Superstudio
HOTEL MONTEBELLO SRL – CF 00976970475 – VAT 00976970475 – Via Montebello 54 51016 Montecatini Terme (PT) Italia
IT047011A1ZXQ3V9EU – IT047011A1ZRUAIUKE – IT047011A1MJ48HJGA
During the 2021 financial year, the company received state aid pursuant to art. 52, Law n. 234/2012 and subsequent subject to the obligation of publication in the National Register of State Aid which are indicated therein in the transparency section to which reference is made.